Voices & Conversations
In various places we have already had exciting conversations, in others we have been reported on.

We are winners of the Kultur- und Kreativpilot:innen award
Every year, 32 companies from the cultural and creative industries are honored on behalf of the German government for demonstrating courage, showing commitment and wanting to make our world a little bit better. Thank you!

Donaukurier – improve the world with shirts
Our vision to reduce textile consumption by focusing on reversibly printed T-shirts is really summed up here. Thanks for the great article!

A comprehensive article on the StartUp strategy and the promotion of ecological innovation by the German government in the Tagesspiegel – with the personal viewpoint of founder Anna Hadzelek.

WomenStartUp is part of the largest startup center in Europe, UnternehmerTUM in Munich. The conversation is about our vision, as well as our biggest challenges.

320° Magazin
This interview in Germany’s most important online magazine for the recycling industry gives a close-up look at our circular processes and the resources they save.

In a panel with Christian Schiller from Cirplus and Alexander Bonde, Secretary General of the DBU, Emmy Schumacher will speak live at re:publica 2022 about start-ups in a sustainable context and the political framework conditions required for this.

Munich StartUp
Munich’s most important StartUp platform. Anna Hadzelek reports on the basic idea of RE-SHIRT and how circular thinking and business can lead to better behavior piece by piece.

Preis für Nachhaltigeit
July 2022: We are nominated as a “Driver of the Circular Economy” for the Lammsbräu Award for Sustainability! Thanks for your invitation and the great tour through your company.

M4F Award
“Marketing is a powerful force. It depends on what you use it for.” We are pleased to have made it onto the shortlist for this year’s Marketing for Future Award from the Bündnis für klimapositives Verhalten e.V.
Are you interested in our perspective?
We welcome requests for interviews, presentations and exchanges on exciting topics.